How to Make a Wall Mounted Bottle Opener (with a License Plate Catch!)

How to Make a Wall Mounted Bottle Opener (with a License Plate Catch!)

This project was a really fun and easy one to make around the summer time! There's nothing better than cracking open a cold one on a hot summer day after doing a long day of yard work or during a fun summer party. However, a common problem is having a bottle opener on hand and available for all of your guests to keep the goodness flowing. In comes the wall mounted bottle openers. These products allow for you to have a permanent area where you can crack open bottles, as well as having a catch to ensure there is no mess of bottle caps left all of your floor.

I especially love the design of these bottle openers, because I ended up using license plates that I purchased online as the catch system! The license plates are made of metal, making them last longer, and they come in all types of designs to add a fun twist to your bottle openers. You can choose to go with a local design, such as a state license plate, show off your love for the beach with any of the beachy designs available, or even go my route and support our military with some license plates representing our armed forces. In this video, I use Marine Corps license plates, since I was making these a gift to one of our family friends who are currently station in Japan.

This product only takes a few hours, is low-cost, and is a great project for beginners since it require minimal tools and a small skillset to get it done! Give it a shot and let me know what designs you end up making of your own!

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